Saturday, April 4, 2009

Naming Ceremony

We were able to spend one afternoon attending a baby naming ceremony in the nearby village of Uba. When a child is born in Nigeria, a naming ceremony takes place a week later. This child’s name is Jacob. The difference between Jacob and the other children is that both of his parents are HIV positive. While Jacob is not infected himself, he is very much so affected by this disease. His mother (whose name unfortunately I forget), had lost all sense of hope before she began attending a HIV support group that the EYN HIV/AIDS Program sponsors. She was then able to receive medical help as well as find a supportive group to share with. It was through the HIV/AIDS Program that she was introduced to her husband, who is also HIV positive. We were able to take some time immediately following the ceremony to talk with the couple as well as several women from the support group. They seem to be a happy, healthy couple and have been incredibly blessed by their newborn Jacob. (Note:EYN has decided to take a stand and do what they can to help the fight against HID/AIDS.)

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