Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Do You Do When...

What do you do when you're mind is running at a million thoughts a second? When you know you have a lot on your mind, yet none of your thoughts can completely form themselves? When you find yourself paralyzed by the amount of work, by things looming ahead. You have extreme ups and downs as you go about your day; your everyday activities. There's really nothing wrong, yet there's really nothing right. There are too many obstacles in the way. It's hard to focus on one thing, one task. You want someone to ask 'how are you doing?' And you want to reply honestly. Yet when the question is asked nothing comes to mind, other than 'good' or 'pretty good' or 'I'm fine thanks'. How do you get out the anxiety that is inside of you? The unrest. The unanswered. The unknown. The doubts. The fears. The joys. The excitements. The happiness. It could, and would, take hours of conversation for it all to come out naturally and truthfully, but, who has time for that?

So the question is...what do you do?

1 comment:

Dana B said...

i write. and pray. and talk to people like you. it comes out gradually, and in lots of different ways.