Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Taking a Mini-Vacation of Sorts

I was asked the other day what are things that help me to relax and allow me to take a mini-vacation without actually going anywhere. Things that initially came to mind were active things, such as playing Ultimate Frisbee, running, and walking.

Then it struck me that being in nature is how I escape and take a load off for a few hours is what, in many ways, revitalizes me. Whether it's walking along a river, hiking through a wooded area, watching the sunset, going to a forest preserve, picking apples, or whatever. I haven't been able to spend much time out and about in nature these days. And I think it's taking it's toll on me and my sanity level.

One of my closest friends asked me if there are things that I do that I get lost in. I think this has come up before. But playing Ultimate Frisbee is definitely one of those things. If I just let myself go and have a good time and focus on the game and simply being in the moment, it's just awesome. And it's a good feeling to let everything else go for a few hours. Another thing is photography. I absolutely love taking photos. Often times even when I don't even have my camera, I look at something and wonder how I could possibly capture it. I want, and in many ways need, to get back into photography.

I'm beginning to realize that it's good, and healthy, to find those things in life that allow us to take care of ourselves, of our mind, body and spirit. If we're not taking the time to replenish ourselves then how is it that we can be expected to give give give. It can turn into a vicious cycle if we're not careful. This was inspired by my friend Aaron who asked us to be intentionally aware of how we are taking care of ourselves. And I really appreciate that and am incredibly thankful for the reminder!

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