Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Strong Girl

Dear Strong Girl,
There is a saying that goes, “he who loves your child, loves you.” We thank you for taking your time to humbly play with the kids which showed that you really felt free around. Thanks for spending your energy working like a man. My family decided to give you just a little groundnuts. God bless you. Yours in Christ, Reverend Bitrus. EYN General Evangelism
This is a note that I received my last night at the EYN headquarters in Kwarhi while participating in a four week workcamp to Nigeria. It was not until this night that I met Reverend Bitrus. He sat close to me at the special thank you dinner that EYN held for the workcamp group. While he did not know me by name, he did know me as the young and strong girl. After I accepted the gift and read the note I realized that I was not ready for all of this to end.
Not ready to leave the children of the primary school that I played with every day. Not ready to leave the young girls who came up to me at church and shyly asked if we could be friends. Not ready to leave the in depth conversations on faith and the church, life and the world. Not ready to leave the people whom I had come to know and love.
My short time in Nigeria has left me questioning and wondering about many things and at the same time has left me wanting more. Wanting to listen carefully to what God is calling me to do. What God is calling us as a church to be. I have been back in the states for almost three weeks and not a second goes by that am not thinking about my friends, my brothers and sisters, in Nigeria. God brought us together for a reason. To work together, fellowship together, learn together and grow together. Relationships were created that know no boundaries. This is what I believe God calls us to do each and every day.

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