Monday, January 26, 2009

"Must Do It"

Okay so we (myself and the Interdistrict Youth Cabinet) were playing Cranium last night and my team had to fill in the blanks and this was our clue:

Hint: Inspirational Ad

_ U _ T
_ _

So, being the smart young adults that we are we came up with the answer "must do it!" first. Now does this sound like an inspirational ad to you? I don't think so! Then just before time ran out we came up with the correct answer of JUST Do It which of course is the Nike tagline that has been around since forever it seems! Even though we did in fact get it right we laughed and laughed over the fact that we originally came up with 'must do it.' I'm not a huge fan of Cranium, but that was a good time right there.

1 comment:

bekah said...

wow - she played cranium! ;)