Sunday, March 28, 2010


The story of our lives, particularly my own, has been on my mind as of late. The other week we were at a BVS retreat and spent a day talking about call and vocation and where we see ourselves down the road. For the first time we looked at this idea in terms of our lives as a story.

Who is the main character of the story of your life? Is it you? Is is someone else? Are you in a supportive role in this story? Is there a plot to your story? And what is the main conflict in your life?

So what do you think? I know that my story is still being developed. The plots written and maybe written again. But what about your story? If someone would make a movie out of your life right now, what would it be about? What is the conflict? The climax? The outcome? What does your life say about you?

1 comment:

schamton said...

i never thought of my life as a story.. or actually maybe i did, and if i did i would probably have thought i was the main character of the story... but never thought that maybe in this story i could be having a supportive role... ha! that made me think a bit :P