Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can Someone Say Sardines?!

So tonight I hosted our youth group from Highland Avenue at the house for a Halloween Party. It was to be a pretty simple evening of sugar cookie decorating and devouring and Halloween-esque movie watching. Well, we did consume LOTS of sugar cookies. And candy corn. And candy pumpkins. And brownies. And popcorn (I mean we had to have a little bit of salt to offset the massive amounts of sugar). And we did end up watching a movie, but it was one that was showing on TV. And that was fine with everyone. The unexpected thing was that mixed in with the food eating and movie watching was, oh, about two hours of sardines.

Now for those of you who aren't familiar with sardines it's a form of hide and go seek where one person hides and everyone else goes and finds them but when they do find them, they hide with them. It's a great game to play in a space where there are lots of dark corners and hiding places. Did I mention that it is best played in the dark? So you turn off all the lights in the building.

And just for the record, the BVS House is a fabulous place for this game. For many reasons actually. One being that we have a basement AND an attic. Both equally creepy! It's possible to circle through the whole house without being seen. Being heard is an entirely different thing because this house is OLD so it creaks and groans a lot! But it's an awesome place to play this game and the youth had a great time with it. And I'm not gonna lie, I did too! It was funny to hear the shrieks of terror as someone accidentally (or intentionally) ran into someone in the dark or a cobweb, and to hear the giggling commence as people ran into walls or people's arms or legs. I'll be the first to admit that I was right there with them, I had my share of yelling and giggling!

It was a fabulous night all around! And now I'm not quite as scared of the basement as I was before!

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