Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Setting Sun

So this is out of order. But I wanted to get it down quick before I forget! I'm back in Elgin for just a few days between my west coast adventure and my east coast adventure. I got in Sunday night and I leave early tomorrow morning.

Today I spent the afternoon and evening at Camp Emmaus, the Church of the Brethren camp about an hour and a half away from Elgin. It was a great visit. I got to talk about BVS. I got to see my youth from Highland Avenue. I got to be at camp. I got to eat mountain pies (mini pizza's) for dinner (although here in Elgin there are no mountains so they call them pie iron dinners). I got to swim and relax a bit and catch up with a good friend. Basically it was a great visit.

But what I wanted to write about specifically was the ride home. I was driving directly east, so in the opposite direction of the setting sun. The sunlight that was cast on the wide open corn fields that are still in the early stages of growth simply took my breath away.

I think I was paying attention to this because of a conversation that I had with Tyler, one of our volunteers who is serving in the hills and valleys in Oregon. I feel more at home in the mountains and valleys and Tyler was saying how he misses seeing the sunset over the wide open fields and plains of the mid-west. He's right, there is a certain beauty to being able to watch the sun set over the horizon. Everyone should experience it sometime.

1 comment:

Dana B said...

i love it when you blog.