Sunday, August 30, 2009

Who is Sharon?

So for some reason people have trouble remembering my name. Youth I work with call me anything from Karen and Shannon (which actually kind of make sense), to Lauren and Jill (apparently I look like I could have these names...).

One day, soon after returning from my workcamps, I wrote on my Facebook status that I was having an identity crisis and two very important people to me responded.

Beth, one of my housemates and closest friends wrote this:
Sharon is: BVS recruiter, woman, sister, friend (to many people, in many places, in many ways), explorer, questioner, frisbee-er, amazing, intelligent, playful, unique, and so many other wonderful things

Dana, one of my former housemates and another close friend continued with:
"so many other wonderful things," including: contagious laugh-er, deep spirit, loyal and incredibly empathetic friend, redhead, peanut-butter hater, fearless, world traveler, introverted extrovert, not scared to ask the hard questions, one of my favorite people in the world, and loved more than she can imagine.

I read these things that had been written on my behalf and I'm not gonna lie, there were a few tears threatening to fall from my face. So thanks to you both for the kind and ever loving words. They mean more than you can imagine. And believe me my friends, the love and friendship is mutual to the end of the world (and in Beth's case, the end of the universe) and back again a million times.

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