Sunday, March 28, 2010


The story of our lives, particularly my own, has been on my mind as of late. The other week we were at a BVS retreat and spent a day talking about call and vocation and where we see ourselves down the road. For the first time we looked at this idea in terms of our lives as a story.

Who is the main character of the story of your life? Is it you? Is is someone else? Are you in a supportive role in this story? Is there a plot to your story? And what is the main conflict in your life?

So what do you think? I know that my story is still being developed. The plots written and maybe written again. But what about your story? If someone would make a movie out of your life right now, what would it be about? What is the conflict? The climax? The outcome? What does your life say about you?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chicago on the Horizon

I flew back to Chicago bright and early this morning, leaving the safety of the valley behind on a small regional airplane. My time at home was chaotic and short. There's just not enough time to do everything and see everyone when you visit the place where you grew up, and went to college, and your entire family lives. And on top of that trying to get some work done! But this is exactly what happens every time I go home and it always seems to work out!

This morning as I was flying back I saw the two gentlemen who were sitting in front of me on my flight into Chicago turn and glance out of the window looking behind us. And so of course me being the curious person that I am I turned myself to look. And there it was: the Chicago skyline that I have come to love so much.

Chicago is on the horizon in more than one way. This summer my plan is to move into the city, specifically the north side, and live with a close friend of mine and find work and continue to explore this great world that we live in. Very little is certain but I feel as though this is the right place for me to be. I've been having lots of great conversations with folks that revolve around this time of exploring that I'm in, and while they haven't always been easy, they've been helpful in one way or another. Conversations to help guide me on my journey.

So yes, Chicago is on the horizon and I'm looking forward to what it brings.