I haven't been able to say that for awhile to say the least!
Today, I got up crazy early (4:16am to be exact) and left Elgin, IL for McPherson, KS. The getting up early was not necessarily the good part. The good part was that I was able to sleep the entire first flight from Midway to Atlanta and then doze from Atlanta to Wichita.
Oh and while I was at the airport I spent some time browsing through books which I love to do so that made me quite happy. Another part of the good day.
Then, when I landed in Wichita I had no idea who was going to be picking me up, but it was Jan Hurst whom I have known for several years now since my time in Westminster, MD, and we had a fabulous lunch at a Chinese restaurant complete with great conversation. Another excellent part of the good day.
We made it to McPherson without a problem and I was able to set up my display and the simplicity of the design and the new look I gave my temporary display made me really happy. It is inviting and open for people to come to if they choose. It's different from the other displays we've been using in the past. Somewhat simpler. I like it. And it added to my good day!
And THEN tonight I had several great phone conversations tonight with several good friends and my dad! I was able to talk to one of my best friends, Annie, whose wedding I was just in to see how she's doing now that she's Mrs. Smith to the world. And then since I was wandering around the McPherson College campus and stumbled on a mens soccer game I decided to call my dad and I was on the phone with him for 10 minutes! That's like a record! (Love you Daddy!) And then after that I called my good friend Amber and we chatted for awhile talking about plans for this upcoming weekend which was fun. Then I briefly talked with a friend from college, Chase, who I had lost touch with for awhile, so it's really great that we're reconnecting again! All of these conversations put me in a great mood! So good!
And tonight I look some time with Jan to look over some of my favorite artsy pictures that I've taken over the past few years. Not only am I proud of some of them, but they bring back many great memories! More goodness!
I just hope that I didn't use all my goodness in one day. But it is noted in the record books that today was a good day.
That is all.